First Buzzard at the Body

A show of music and poetry about death, capitalism and ornithology.

Elliot in Buzzard

Buzzard is a setlist of poetic texts subjected to transformative compositional processes, gutting them of meaning or stumbling through the banal into the sublime. The raw material of the poems is musicalised through cassette loops and digital looper, song, screen, instrumental use of microphones, and a dynamic, embodied delivery.

Stylistically, the show draws on 70’s sound poetry like Canada’s Four Horsemen, 60’s minimalist composition such as Steve Reich’s phase pieces, the immediacy of punk and stand-up comedy, and the sprawling romance of the natural soundscape.

    The setlist is:
  1. First Buzzard at the Body (loop piece)
  2. Breath of a Fossil (song)
  3. Cumulative facts 1–3 (with loop pedal)
  4. Turkey Vulture (imagined music/visual music/silent animation)
  5. Why would I think you a bird? (beat poem)
  6. Secret Meat (danced poem)
  7. Flocking (construction for 7 cassette players)
  8. The Mighty Pile (song)
  9. Microphone Drag (construction)
Elliot in Buzzard

Performance History

Elliot in Buzzard

Thanks to Antonia Barnett-McIntosh, Eleanor Bishop, Sacha Copland, and Nick Zwart for your help while I was making Buzzard.

If you would like to talk about presenting First Buzzard at the Body or would like to see documentation video or know more about the show, please email Elliot.